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Il Giornale dell'Arte





Danish Artist
Miller Claus

Tel. +39.3277362333






1. Che Guevara
2. Walt Disney
3. Malcolm X
4. Piero Manzoni
5. Albert Einstain
6. The pito te Kora 
(Te Pito Te Kura means the navel of light. At Rapa Nui Island Te Pito Te Kura is a sacred place next to the bay Hanga Hoonu. In this painting Te Pito Te Kura is related to the moon goddess Hina. She is a very powerfull goddess that protect fishermen and brings fertility and light to the people.
Cristina Amotunui, wife of a fisherman living in Rapa Nui gently donated the original fingerprint for this interpretation.)

Danish artist Claus Miller has been working for years on fingerprints seen as a particular kind of portraits.
Claus Miller was born in 1953; he attended the Design Academy of Copenhagen, and then the Accademia di Belle
Arti Brera, in Milan, Italy. In the following years, he worked as a free-lance graphic designer, hyperrealist illustrator and art-director between Italy and the United States.
Subsequently, he was the founder, Creative Director and Chairman of The Teaser Advertising Agency until 1996, when together with his family he left Milan to boldly fullfil his lifetime dream: sailing around the world for seven years.
Once he reached the South Pacific legendary islands, the Polynesian iconography prompted him to resume his artistic research and to investigate the fusion between primordial symbolics, human fingerprints and its cultural evolution in the third millennium.
Back in Europe the artist has contacted people with a culturally significant biography asking them to join his work as testimonials donating their thumbprint as a Sign -in order to reflect on human identity-, through art.
The original thumbprints was then transformed into artworks representing the portrayed person and telling stories about creative human thinking.
His first vernissage was staged at the opening ceremony of the VI Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Rome. The Nobels Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan with Mayor Walter Veltroni introduced the artworks to a large public and the media representatives.
Since then his artworks has travvelled the world around and many famous people has added their fingerprint to the project.

A thumbprint distinguishes
one human being from another.           
It’s a genuine and unique sign
of our own identity. It has has
no racial, social or linguistic
barriers. It’s a sign that defines
our diversity and, at the same
time, testify our togetherness.
This work is an invitation
to reflect on human identity.
Involves individual identity and
global identity.
The One that is All.